Vision-Mission Statement


Kariton Empowerment Center, Inc. is a non-profit organization that aims at the rehabilitation and empowerment of street families by helping them to organize into a self-help group, and enable them to address more creatively and responsibly their situation through organizing, education, formation and skills training, conduct of livelihood programs, support services, networking and promotion of advocacy


Our Purposes

1. Compassion as the driving force that enables us to be in solidarity with our beneficiaries and as a path to live out our faith and spread Hope.
2. Respect for Human Dignity because we believe that we are all created equal and deserve dignity as God’s children.
3. Empowerment is the manner we engage in our mission because we believe that each one is gifted and has a contribution to make in this world.
4. Upholding the Integrity of Creation- Delivering our services with Integrity and Accountability to be worthy of trust.
5. Globalization from below is our approach to networking, teamwork and transparency.